This will be a European Rotation. Shooting will start as early as 9:00am. Registration will begin at 8am. Scorecards must be turned in by 3:30pm. Start whenever you want and shoot in whatever order you want.

Per NSCA and our club rules, you MUST shoot with at least three registered shooters. If you need to be grouped with other, please email us and we will help take care of that (

PLEASE pre-register and pay in advance. It makes check in much easier and helps us prepare.

Cost: $68 for Main event and $48 for 2nd event. HOA for main event is $50 and HOA for 2nd event is $25.

Options are cash only: ($10 HOA Main, $10 HOA 2nd 100, $10 Lewis Class, $5 Class Option Main & $5 Class Option 2nd 100). We have one more scheduled shoot on Saturday August 3rd.

For more information and to sign up, head to